Peer-reviewed presentations
- 2025:
- April: The morphotactics of the Limbu verb: A postsyntactic analysis of the suffix domain (joint work with Andrew Murphy). WCCFL 43, University of Washington, Seattle.
- April: Two types of non-structural case: Evidence from ATB movement in Modern Greek (joint work with Lefteris Paparounas & Martin Salzmann). WCCFL 43, University of Washington, Seattle.
- March 26: How many underlying objects in object-sharing serial verb constructions? New evidence from suspended pro-drop (joint work with Anna Struck & Malte Zimmermann). GLOW 47, Goethe University Frankfurt.
- March 27: Two types of non-structural case: Evidence from ATB movement in Modern Greek (joint work with Lefteris Paparounas & Martin Salzmann). GLOW 47, Goethe University Frankfurt.
- February 20: Two Types of non-structural case: evidence from ATB movement in Modern Greek (joint work with Lefteris Paparounas & Martin Salzmann). Poster presentation at IGG 50, University of Padova.
- 2024:
- April 27: Find the gap. Diagnosing syntactic structure in ATB and RNR constructions (joint work with Andrew Murphy, Johannes Rothert & Timea Szarvas). CLS 60.
- 2023:
- January 25: Complex phi-mismatches in Igbo resumption (joint work with Mary Amaechi). Workshop Phi and Agree, Leiden University.
- 2021:
- October 29: Challenges of investigating Condition C reconstruction experimentally (joint work with Martin Salzmann & Marta Wierzba). (Virtual) NELS 52, Rutgers University.
- 2020:
- November 8: Asymmetries in Asante Twi A'-movement: On the role of noun type in resumption (joint work with Johannes Hein).
(Virtual) NELS 51, University of Québec à Montréal.
- August: On the interaction of extraction and argument marking in Asante Twi (joint work with Johannes Hein).
(Virtual) CLS 56, University of Chicago.
- April: On two types of resumption in Igbo and the nature of islands (joint work with Mary Amaechi). Poster at (Virtual) GLOW 43, Humboldt University Berlin. .
- April: On the interaction of extraction and argument marking in Asante Twi (joint with Johannes Hein). Poster at (Virtual) GLOW 43, Humboldt University Berlin.
- April: On the interaction of extraction and argument marking in Asante Twi (with Johannes Hein). LinG 3, Göttingen.
- February 13: An experimental investigation of reconstruction for Condition C in German A'-movement (with Martin Salzmann, Marta Wierzba). Linguistic Evidence, Tübingen.
- 2019:
- October 27: On two types of resumption in Igbo and the nature of islands (with Mary Amaechi). NELS 50, MIT, Cambridge (MA). SLIDES
- May 24: On the nature of subject marking in Awing (with Henry Fominyam). ACAL 50, UBC, Vancouver.
- May 10: An experimental investigation of reconstruction for Condition C in German A'-movement (with Martin Salzmann, Marta Wierzba), poster presentation. GLOW 42, Oslo.
- April 16: On the role of referentiality in subject marking in Awing (with Henry Fominyam). DISCO, Leipzig.
- March 7: On "optional" wh-/focus fronting in Igbo: a SYN-SEM-PHON interaction (with Mary Amaechi). Workshop
Who cares? Contrast and opposition in 'free' phenomena at the 41st Annual Conference of the
German Linguistic Society (DGfS), Bremen.
- 2018:
- October 5: On the nature of ATB-movement: insights from reflexes of movement. NELS 49, Cornell University, Ithaca.
- October 6: Reconstruction in German wh-movement - an experimental investigation (with Martin Salzmann Marta Wierzba). Poster presentation at NELS 49, Cornell University, Ithaca.
- September 28: Reconstruction in German wh-movement - an experimental investigation. CGSW 33, Göttingen.
- April 13: On the nature of ATB-movement: insights from reflexes of movement. GLOW 41, Budapest.
- March 23: On the source of subject / non-subject asymmetries in Igbo wh-/focus constructions (with Mary Amaechi).
ACAL 49, Michigan.
- March 8: On subject / non-subject extraction asymmetries in Igbo (with Mary Amaechi). Workshop
Referential and relational approaches to syntactic asymmetries at the 40th Annual Conference of the
German Linguistic Society (DGfS), Stuttgart.
- 2017:
- 2016:
- April 6: Complementarity of gaps and resumptives as the result of top-down Case attraction (with Martin Salzmann).
GLOW 39, Göttingen.
- 2015:
- October 8: Complementarity of gaps and resumptives as the result of Case attraction: local modeling under top-down derivation (with Martin Salzmann).
CSSP 2015, Paris.
- September 22: Complementarity of gaps and resumptives as the result of Case attraction: local modeling under top-down derivation (with Martin Salzmann).
TbiLLC 2015, Tbilisi (Georgia).
- 2014:
- September 27: A locality argument for top-down derivation: resumptive drop and case attraction (with Martin Salzmann).
CGSW 29, York.
- September 26: A locality argument for top-down derivation: Resumptive drop and case attraction (with Martin Salzmann, poster presentation).
SinFonIJA VII, Graz.
- April 4: Opaque reflexes of cyclic movement: Ordering final vs. intermediate steps.
GLOW 37, Brussels).
- 2013:
- April 3: Abstract composite possessor case in Udmurt (with Anke Assmann, Svetlana Edygarova, Timo Klein & Philipp Weisser).
GLOW 36, Lund).
- April 3: Opaque Interaction of Merge and Agree: On Two Types of Internal Merge (poster presentation).
GLOW 36, Lund.
- March 14: Opaque Interaction of Merge and Agree: On Two Types of Internal Merge.
Interaction of Syntactic Primitives (Workshop at the 35th Annual Conference of the German Linguistic Society (DGfS)), Potsdam.
- January 10: Possessor case in Udmurt: A local reanalysis as fusional case stacking (with Anke Assmann, Timo Klein & Philipp Weisser).
ConSOLE XXI, Potsdam.
- January 9: Opaque Interaction of Merge and Agree: On Two Types of Internal Merge.
ConSOLE XXI, Potsdam.
- 2012:
- December 18: Possessor case in Udmurt: multiple case assignment feeds postsyntactic fusion (with Anke Assmann, Timo Klein & Philipp Weisser). BCGL 7: The Morphology-Syntax Interface, Brussels.
- March 29: Ergatives move too early (with Anke Assmann, Fabian Heck, Gereon Müller & Philipp Weisser). GLOW 35, Potsdam.
- 2011:
- December 20: Local Person Portmanteaux & Hierarchy Effects. BCGL 6: Configurations of agreement, Brussels.
- November 12: Local Person Portmanteaux & Hierarchy Effects: A Unified Approach. NELS 42, Toronto.
- January 7: A derivational account of possessor advancement (with Anke Assmann & Philipp Weisser). ConSOLE XIX, Groningen.
- January 6: Chameleon Probes in Mordvin. ConSOLE XIX, Groningen.
- December 2: All by itself - why there are no portmanteaus in Uralic (with Larissa Kröhnert). Poster presentation at Décembrettes 7, Toulouse.
- 2010:
- August 20: Chameleon Probes in Mordvin. SICOGG 12, Seoul.
- August 14: DP-internal double agreement is not double Agree: a unification with possessor agreemment (with Martin Salzmann). GLOW-in-Asia VIII, Beijing.
- June 21: Unifying possessor doubling and possessor agreement (with Martin Salzmann). 4th European Dialect Syntax Meeting, San Sebastián.
- March 25: Double agreement in possessor doubling: against DP-over-NP and in favor of NP-over-DP (with Martin Salzmann). Syntaxcolloquium, Department of Linguistics, University of Leipzig (Germany).
- February 24: Chameleon probes in Mordvin. DGfS annual meeting, HU Berlin (Germany).
- 2009:
- August 27: A Local Approach to Global Case Splits via Maraudage. Poster presentation at Minimalist Approaches to Syntactic Locality, Research Institute for Linguistics, Budapest.
- March 5: Maraudage as repair (with Fabian Heck and Gereon Müller). DGfS annual meeting, Osnabrück.
- January 18: A Cyclic Derivation of Global Case Splits. ConSOLE XVII, Nova Gorica (Slovenia).